AsiaCentral Asia10 Coronavirus free Countries where you would like to go on vacation...

10 Coronavirus free Countries where you would like to go on vacation after the pandemic

Today the whole world is in the grip of Corona, but there are some countries in it, in which cases of Corona have not been found. According to the report, there are about 15 such countries where corona cases have not come.

In this article, we will discuss all those places. Due to this COVID-19, we are locked in our house, but we hope that soon we will deal with this epidemic. Our doctors and researchers are working hard to fight against coronavirus disease, and we will definitely succeed. If you are thinking about an international trip after the situation is restored, then today we will tell you through this artillery about the countries which do not have coronavirus cases. As the world thinks about the Covid-19 pandemic, there are yet a bunch of nations that are announcing zero instances of the ailment brought about by the novel Coronavirus, where you can go on an international trip after the situation is restored.

As indicated by information being amassed by the Johns Hopkins University’s Center for Systems Science and Engineering (CSSE), which is displaying the spread of the illness and shows information through an ongoing dashboard, there are 15 such nations, which lie in Asia, Africa, and Oceania. The infection additionally hasn’t arrived at Antarctica, where there is no perpetual human populace. A portion of the nations detailing zero cases are situated in remote territories of Oceania, for example, the island areas of Melanesia, Micronesia, and Polynesia, and in this manner are ordinarily ready to confine themselves rapidly. The two African nations not revealing cases probably don’t have the infection, or perhaps don’t have the options to identify it yet.

The 10 Coronavirus free Countries where you would like to go on vacation after the pandemic are:

1. Tajikistan


The ex-Soviet Republic of Tajikistan is a wild nation that you would prefer not to miss in your Silk Road venture. Home to the Pamir extends, one of most elevated mountain runs on the planet, the mountains of Tajikistan draw in the most daring explorers, particularly those needing to drive the M-41, or Pamir Highway, a quaint street and engineering magnum opus that experiences probably the remotest and most delightful mountain landscape in Central Asia.

2. Turkmenistan


The capital, which implies city of joy, is a desert spring of precisely 5, 000, 000 square meters of white marble. Fabulous government structures lacquered with gold are apparent around the city, just as landmarks to pioneers and the country’s darling Akhal-Teke horse. In the event, that is not ridiculous enough for you, and there’s a recreation centre including a goliath Ruhnama, the meandering aimlessly book of edicts composed by Niyazov that was at one time the focal point of the training framework.

The city additionally, has a sculpture of Lenin from Soviet occasions, set upon an enormous, covered plinth. Ashgabat is the spot for progressively regular visitor exercises as well, home to the nation’s best galleries, exhibiting expressions and antiques, just as various bazaars where you can purchase floor coverings, keepsakes, and new nourishment (stone foods grown from the ground are an unquestionable requirement).

3. Lesotho


An excursion in the realm of Lesotho can be genuinely similar to no other. Encircled totally by South Africa, Lesotho has been given the nickname “Kingdom in the Sky” since the whole nation lies high up in the sky – situated at a height of more than 1000 meters.

4. Kiribati


Situated in the focal Pacific Ocean, Kiribati is comprised of 33 atolls and reef islands, just 21 of which are occupied. It has only 103, 500 individuals making it the 197th most crowded nation on earth. Over 90% of the populace lives on the Gilbert Islands, with about half living on Tarawa.

5. Tuvalu


On the off chance that you have water sports at the forefront of your thoughts, Tuvalu’s waters are only the ideal thing for a considerable length of time of swimming and jumping. Those into untamed life preservation will cherish the islands even more for these are a most loved frequent of turtles just as a bewildering assortment of tropical fish.

6. Tonga


Set towards the south-east of Fiji and south of Samoa, Tonga is home to 170 islands, 40 of which are possessed. It’s isolated into four diverse island gatherings, which incorporate jagged volcanic islands, low-lying coral islets and a substantial serving of bright coral reefs. The southernmost conference is Tongatapu, home to capital city Nuku’alofa.

7. Samoa


As indicated by legend, Samoa is known as the “Cradle of Polynesia” because Savai’i island is said to be Hawaiki, the Polynesian country. Samoan culture is without a doubt fundamental to Polynesian life, and its styles of music, movement, and visual craftsmanship have picked up fame all through the Pacific islands and the world.

8. Marshall Islands

Marshall Islands

The Marshall Islands comprise of two island chains of 30 atolls and 1, 152 islands, of low coral limestone and sand. Swimsuit and Enewetak are previous US atomic test destinations; Kwajalein, the well known World War II battleground, is currently utilized as a US rocket test go.

9. Solomon Islands

Solomon Islands

The Solomon Islands are one of the significant organizing territories of the South Pacific and are the home to the renowned VMF-214 “Odd one out” Squadron told by Major Greg “Pappy” Boyington. “The Slot” was a name for New Georgia Sound when it was utilized by the Tokyo Express to flexibly the Japanese battalion on Guadalcanal.

10. Palau

Palau Tourism

Palau touring detects the excess of 300 islets that make up the Rock Islands. These islands in Palau hold the guarantee of new disclosures in calm outcroppings, lakes and swimming spots.

Researchers, authorities and governments over the world have urged residents to rehearse physical distancing and to abstain from going out except if for essential purposes. As indicated by information incorporated by Johns Hopkins University, more than 3. 2 million individuals have been tainted, and the worldwide loss of life is more than 229, 000. More than one million patients have recovered.

By the way, International Trip is closed due to COVID 19 but, we will get rid of Coronavirus soon. Until the situation is restored, we have to understand our responsibilities and follow the rules given by the government. After that, we can apply for National or International Trip.

Zafar Reza
Zafar Reza
My name is Zafar Reza I am a mechanical engineer I love to write new articles on the different-different topics I have written more than twenty blogs and working as a freelancer to write for the many channels