Google has announced in a blog post to launch a brand new Google AdWords User Interface (UI) by the end of the year. Recently, Google has changed and redesigned the login page and it won't be wrong in saying...
Highlights What is ransomware?
How to check if you are not affected
How to secure your computer
How to deal if in case you are affected Ransomware is the composition of two words "ransom" and "ware" is a type of a malicious...
Google has announced to build-in ad-blocker for Google Chrome similar to existing third party ad blockers "Ad-Block Plus", "AdBlocker Ultimate" and "AdBlock Plus Pro" which could be a great feature for the users, but for the webmasters, news agencies...
Great websites and apps require speed to deliver a high-quality seamless user experience that depends upon a lot of factors such as Server type, Server OS type, server resources like RAM and CPU, website type and resource usability. If...
In today's lighting fast Internet connectivity era where most of the countries are already using 4th-generation high-speed Internet connection and some countries are under 5th-generation upgradation, the website speed really matters are lots. On mobile devices Google has already...
Accepting Donations Online or fundraising is one of the oldest and best possible ways to raise money. In the past few years, it became the best practice to run online campaigns and request people to donate for your NGO,...
Facebook has been instrumental in changing the way we communicate in our life ever since its inception. Facebook F8 is an annually arranged conference by Facebook and this year, it made the world witness a peek into the visions...
WhatsApp, a Facebook-owned company, is experimenting with new features every day to keep the users engaged and continue using WhatsApp without looking for any other alternative instant messaging application. Recently, they have introduced three new features: WhatsApp Photo status
After the Quick reply feature Whatsapp has introduced another feature called "End-to-end user encryption". Most you might be wondering what's so special about this "end-to-end user encryption" features. Well, this is the first time ever an end-to end user...
Since its inception in 2013, Project Loon has been without a doubt Google's most laudable project, with the goal of providing Internet access to the world's rural and remote areas. Being developed by X (formerly known as Google X),...