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Have you purchased a paid app or Game on the Play Store in the past and uninstalled and now looking to reinstall again, but...
BioPiracy refers to the unethical or unlawful practices, which are commercially exploitative in nature. These practices operate due to unfair application of patents to genetic...
The holistic approach of sustainable development can be seen under this policy. In this article, several measures in order to execute the multi-fold benefits, apropos employment generation, waste to wealth creation; reduction in oil imports, and health benefits’ are discussed, A Step Closer to Sustaining Sustainability In The Rapidly Growing Environment Can Be Traced In The Vision of National Bio-Fuel Policy, 2018 – Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas, Government of India. Here Are The Measures That May Be Adopted At A National Level To Enhance The Effectiveness In Implementation Of National Bio-Fuel Policy 2018...
CloudFlare is a reputed and useful free DDoS and Content-Delivery Network (CDN) that help us to protect our website, blog and APIs by mitigating...
India is a land of innovators, scholars, academics, researchers and entrepreneurs. We all are capable of doing great things all we need is an...
One million questions, Is it possible to Enable USB Debugging in Android Using Recovery Mode or any other technique? Well, the answer is Yes!...
Free Wi-Fi Internet access is like our favorite dish offered for free, but we don't know what it contains similar it goes with free...
Analytics from Google is a powerful tool that helps you to collect deep insight from your website, blog and apps. The Google Analytics is...
After Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) Google announced Progressive Web Apps (PWA) that let the website owners generate a signed APK and install on the...
Tring, Tring sounds familiar -- that's your mobile phone ringing somewhere in your cramped room. A mobile phone is probably the most valuable asset...