Why is Cognitive Behavior Therapy Essential to Boost Self-Esteem? It is generally advised to go through sessions prescribed by the psychotherapists or psychologists that can help the patients suffering from severe anxiety and depression. Sometimes there are certain sleep disorders or phobias such as hydrophobia, claustrophobia, etc
"It takes nothing away from a human to be kind to an animal." — Brutish and atrocious acts inflicted upon the animals in India...
How to Deal with People Suffering from Narcissism? A narcissist is a person who suffers from serious mental problems of the sense of superiority and he likes to treat himself or herself superior to others. Self-esteem is a very good thing and everyone should have self-respect and certain values to embrace in life.
Technological advances offer innovative solutions so that our skin always looks perfect. All women love having a radiant complexion where the signs of ageing are...
The answer to the question when did the Coronavirus started can be given, but the answer to the question when this virus will end,...
This period of isolation taught us many things about food and cooking. Everybody had a resolution once upon on time to be healthy and...
Since ancient times, the oil obtained from trees and plants is being used to maintain physical health; it is called Aromatherapy. Aromatherapists enhance your...
In this article, we will discuss the NEET Entrance Exam. The full form of NEET is the National Eligibility cum Entrance Test. NEET is...
Biomimicry, the latest technologies, and artificial intelligence have roots in nature? Yeah, so, all the recent inventions and engineering techniques that we see around...
Yoga is an ancient Indian art that involves mental, emotional, physical and spiritual practices together into oneness. Yoga is being practised by people in...