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The mystery of his death remains more pervasive. There will be no easy answers in his death because no one is ready to accept why such an intelligent, ambitious, and humble person leaves the world silently without leaving a suicide note. Sushant's well-wishers and supporters believe that once the case is solved and Sushant gets justice, they can give a dignified, final goodbye to the beloved star they loved.
Although education has reached new heights in today's world, blended learning has certainly added more zest to it. Millennials have benefitted from it in numerous ways, will continue to reap the same in the future and bring more innovation in the learning system.
What is the Economic Importance of Lavender in General? Lavender is of highly acclaimed economic importance due to its therapeutic and beauty uses. It is widely used to make perfumes, talcs, essential body oils, night creams, lotions, soaps, and other cosmetic products. Lavender essential oils are used in aromatherapy in various herbal spas and hotel industries in the world.
Who doesn't want a sound body with mental peace and loads of energy to spend with family and friends as well as have enough...
The whole world is now well acquainted with COVID 19, a virus that is responsible for the global pandemic. The virus outbreak, which initially...
India's Endangered Minority: Attempts to Save the Parsis in India - Despite India's smallest minority community, Parsis are an integral part of India's social structure. As a community, they have always been at the forefront of many social and economic reforms in India. They belong to one of the world's oldest religions, Zoroastrianism.
How to channelized your financial goals during good and bad times? There are a few facts about our life which we can't ignore, or we can't run away from them. These are the main hindrance factor between our investment and wealth creation.
Common Phobias Experienced by the Children and Youngsters - Fear has many faces! It can make a person go mad, distressed, or ill in the form of Phobias! Phobias are irrational fear towards any specific object, person, or surroundings, that is persistent and panicking to the person suffering from it.
Which college has topped in the NIRF rankings in 2020? NIRF ranking of 2020 has been released by Human Resource Development Minister. Dr Ramesh Pokhriyal Nishank confirmed this. Consisting NIRF ranking has been listed for the last five years. For the first time this year, dental colleges have also been added to the NIRF rankings.
How Ayushman Bharat Yojana is a blessing in disguise for the Poor? The administration in 2018 launched the Ayushman Bharat Yojana, which is the world's biggest medical coverage/affirmation scheme completely financed by the government. With the aim of leaving no one behind.