Women empowerment has brought up a sense of financial independence and made ladies of today's world inclined towards earning for themselves and holding their...
COVID or Corona Virus Disease, or COVID-19 where 19 is the year in which the virus outbreak took place, i.e. 2019. It is an...
Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan (KVS) was first established on 15th December 1963. All the schools of Kendriya Vidyalaya are enrolled in one of the finest...
Sports is always related with the adventure, but there are many sports which are really adventurous in its class and in this article you'll find the places in India for adventures sports.
Medical Science refers to subjects which try to understand the methods of the human body. It consists of anatomy, physiology, pathology, biochemistry, microbiology, and...
COVID-19 Pandemic is all about blaming, while it should have been about learning - as soon as the Pandemic began, a round of blame game started. Right now, 197 countries out of 200 in the world are battling COVID-19 Pandemic. President Donald Trump has explicitly and blatantly put the whole blame of the Pandemic on China, and he even called it "Chinese virus" and "KuFlu Virus".
Education and career have been a top priority for many years!
Earlier there were limited scopes available in India whereas comparatively now in this 21st...
While China was grilling under the weight of another pandemic, way more grave than the one back in the year 2003. Many major countries in...
After 34 years a New National Education Policy similar to that of the Public Health Policy in 1983 evolves with the purpose to provide...
As a result, do you have the impression that your relationship is slowly but steadily disintegrating because you can't spend as much time together...