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Health is wealth. Health is gone, everything is gone. A person feels happy and enjoys the moment of his life only if he is healthy, whereas opposite to that even the funniest joke does not interest us if we are not well. There are various factors that affect our mental and physical health such as our surroundings, our daily routine, our relationships with family and friends etc.
It would not be an exaggeration to cite media as one of the five pillars of democracy along with executive, opposition, society and judiciary. They raise the correct issue, bringing it to light and making others aware of it. But by this definition is the Indian Media doing its job properly?
Generation X is struggling to meet the conflicting demands - from their parents and their children. What is all this leading to? How is this affecting their health and life style? Is there a solution? In what way is Gen X different from Gen Y or Gen Z? Why are more and more people from this Gen X seeking professional help like counselling, therapy, hypnotherapy? The article is merely an analysis of the situation and doesn't attempt to give any quick fixes...
Amazing Monsoon Life Hacks and Tips for Your House and You! with Awesome Tips To Fight Fungal Infections, Mosquitoes, Skin Care, House And Putrid Smell...
How would you like staying in a home that runs itself? When you come home tired from work, at a flick of a button the lights come on, your music system starts playing your favourite songs, the air conditioner...
Summer is the season when we have numerous choices to flaunt our looks with different types of clothing. We can pair up anything and mix and match to suit our looks. But it is the time when we have to be extra careful towards our skin. Our skin needs utmost attention in summers from oil and those dirty looking pimples and sun tan which is very difficult to get rid off...
Online home based jobs are the best options to do only when it is genuine and without any investments. On the Internet, Google, YouTube and social media websites you can find a lot of people guiding on earning from home without paying any money, but most of them are just doing for their own mileage and promoting their social media account or to get YouTube views in fact you cannot totally rely on them since there are very much possibilities that their contents are sponsored by those scammers on the Internet.
All of us has some good and bad habits. Actually, these are our habits that determines what kind of individual we are. These are like our strengths and weaknesses and how we work on them. We can make our weakness our biggest strength depending on the situation. So, habits can be modified and we can learn a lot from them. We can also use them according to the situation and even our bad habits can help us to become a better person in future.
Globalisation is a process which is responsible for the contraction of the world. Anything which was at national level has become International. On the name of Globalisation, people also use the term Global village, which is a spoof. Global market and communication revolution is the basic reason behind this. The countries who are expanding their markets are doing everything because there is a race to occupy the world market.
Today we are facing problems of climate change, less rainfall and increase in temperature of Earth. All this is due to our own activities. We are using our natural resources carelessly without thinking about our generation to come. Our rivers are getting polluted. We are facing problems of global warming due to excess of cutting of trees and even our ozone layer is being depleted. Is this we call modernisation?