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How good or bad is age differences in relationships and marriages - a normal relationship is with the minimum age difference between the two people. A younger female and an older male are generally acceptable if the age gap is below 8-10 years...
Indian Media TRP or News - Since the beginning of Indian media It's changed a lot of peoples mindset. One has to admit that media is something which can change society drastically but nowadays, it is becoming a TRP war between 2 or more news channels. Once there was only Doordarshan, which was the Only News channel, but since then the development of Indian media rather Degradation of Indian media is a major issue for the Democracy.
Media is a potent weapon these days, to bring revolutions, to create and promote movements, to highlight or demean something or someone. From developing...
The three Central character of the war of Mahabharat, and the three best of the very best warriors that the World could ever see...
There is a saying, and there is an adage, "FOR 364 DAYS WE BEAT THEM, ON THE 365th STAND TO GREET THEM" -- the problem relating to the woman was there from the epic age of the Satyug It was Maa Sita Deviji who had to pass the test on funeral pyre Not enough she had to go to the exile at the forest after Lord Rama brought her to Ayodhya from Lanka after slaying the King of Demon Ravana...
It's really difficult to maintain relationships nowadays -- Not only love relationships, but also relationship with your family friends' parents neighbors and relatives. We need to know the...
Even the most evolved society carries some ramnents of its past; we may name it tradition, folk literature, folk music, folk dance, folklore or as a whole folk culture. Folk culture usually denotes the culture of the primordial period of a society. It definitely indicates the past of a society and is not related to the current stage of that particular society..... In this context first question will arise how the folk culture can impact the present day society? Particularly if it has nothing to do with the current period... Now we shall try elaborate the significances of folk culture in contemporary society a little more..
The Indian people often take pride in citing how ancient and great the Indian civilization was. In fact, it is true. Every knowledgeable Indian knows once India prospered in every aspect of life. When other parts of the worlds were still in the cradle of civilization, the Indians reached its zenith. The kind of philosophy, literature, art, culture, architecture, spiritual and scientific knowledge inherited by the Indians from their forefathers imply the fact that Indian society...
Postmodernism has been emphasizing upon the premise that there is no fixed definition of universality, foundational norms, grand narratives or theories as a result...
The approaches are the method of study that is undertaken to study politics and  scholars  gone on to the extent of adopting various methods...