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List of best genre movies to watch during a girls only sleepover that has fun, love and best stories. These movies list are covered with best media and news reviews and one sentence description to help you in selecting the best that suits your flavour...
Recently twitter and other media were flooded with tweets and posts appreciating UAE for changing the signs of people of special needs to people of determination. This strategy put forth by the ruler of Dubai is something we can learn about. What changes can we as an Indian citizen bring for these specially disabled people
Summer is the season when we have numerous choices to flaunt our looks with different types of clothing. We can pair up anything and mix and match to suit our looks. But it is the time when we have to be extra careful towards our skin. Our skin needs utmost attention in summers from oil and those dirty looking pimples and sun tan which is very difficult to get rid off...
All of us has some good and bad habits. Actually, these are our habits that determines what kind of individual we are. These are like our strengths and weaknesses and how we work on them. We can make our weakness our biggest strength depending on the situation. So, habits can be modified and we can learn a lot from them. We can also use them according to the situation and even our bad habits can help us to become a better person in future.
Globalisation is a process which is responsible for the contraction of the world. Anything which was at national level has become International. On the name of Globalisation, people also use the term Global village, which is a spoof. Global market and communication revolution is the basic reason behind this. The countries who are expanding their markets are doing everything because there is a race to occupy the world market.
Today we are facing problems of climate change, less rainfall and increase in temperature of Earth. All this is due to our own activities. We are using our natural resources carelessly without thinking about our generation to come. Our rivers are getting polluted. We are facing problems of global warming due to excess of cutting of trees and even our ozone layer is being depleted. Is this we call modernisation?
We are here to tell you how can melt yourself to the needs of society. Trap yourself yet still express yourself in ways which will at least lend you some amount of happiness. You can wear one neon piece and a neutral piece. This will be a subtle middle finger to the society. Here are many more ways!
Everyone wants to be happy in life and wish good luck and success. But in today's race of money we have lost our happiness and peace of mind. Consequences of this stress are increased in cases of suicide and other chronic diseases, heart attacks, high blood pressure etc. We find different ways to stay happy like watching comedy shows, going to laughter clubs etc. But does happiness lies in these things? The best thing which can help you to stay positive and calm in all the circumstances.
We are not entirely human. Steven Gill, the molecular biologist, proved this fact through his studies. He asserts that many bacteria are present in...
Consumers fixated on deals and discounts tend to purchase stuff which prove to not be really satisfying. The lack of satisfaction makes them continue to shop. Shopping is addictive, the rush the consumers get from snagging a bargain is even more addictive.