The concern for Women Economic Empowerment and ensuring equality has been a priority in the agenda of many national, non-governmental as well as international...
We all want to eat healthily, but what about what we drink? Remember that every sip that we take counts. Nowadays, there are a...
Knee-Joint pain is a common problem that is affecting millions of people today. Not only older people are suffering from knee-joint pain, but also...
The practice of political weapons by the politicians is a deterrent to democracy at varied levels. As a country, while our democratic structure is strong, our democratic values seem to have undergone a continuous struggle. The value system pertaining to liberty, equality and fraternity seems to be moving in a downward cycle. Several factors, including malpractices of the politicians during elections, decisions based on majoritarianism aid in shaking the value system furthermore.
India is a nation of Diversity no uncertainty about that decent variety is wherever in culture in a language in individuals in urban areas...
In most the societies and communities of the world, women are treated and considered inferior to the men; even when it comes to the...
How good or bad is age differences in relationships and marriages - a normal relationship is with the minimum age difference between the two people. A younger female and an older male are generally acceptable if the age gap is below 8-10 years...
Everyone wants to protect their child, but some people ignore the essential elements of protection of a child, which is an expedient one which can lead to some perilous diseases such as...
Indian Media TRP or News - Since the beginning of Indian media It's changed a lot of peoples mindset. One has to admit that media is something which can change society drastically but nowadays, it is becoming a TRP war between 2 or more news channels. Once there was only Doordarshan, which was the Only News channel, but since then the development of Indian media rather Degradation of Indian media is a major issue for the Democracy.
Media is a potent weapon these days, to bring revolutions, to create and promote movements, to highlight or demean something or someone. From developing...