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Why China is investing billions of dollars to Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka? China, one of the most opportunist country in the Aisa with an estimated wealth of $63,827 billion, contributing to 17.7% of the total world's wealth. Whereas Pakistan has $465 billion, Sri Lanka has $297 billion, and Nepal has $68 billion each contributing 0.1% to worlds total wealth
Government of India Transaction of Business Rules, 1961 - In order to contain the imbalance in the economy caused by the nationwide lockdown in India due to the spread of COVID-19, on 3rd April 2020, the Transaction of Business Rules were amended. It altered the functions of the investment and growth cabinet committee and the employment and skill generation cabinet committee to confer both the committees with wide decision making powers.
India is a nation where more than 50% of the population is dependent on agriculture for their livelihood in one or the other way....
The Chase for money earning is unstoppable, and the Targets are unlimited. But few fundamentals all of us have to understand for smooth and...
The youth of a nation is an influential human resource for growth, leading agencies for social change, and pushing force for economic growth and...
In this year, the world has experienced several unexpected events that were never seen by people ever in life. The year 2020 has brought...
The globalized world economy is facing a new challenge in the face of COVID-19 induced lockdown. Every economy around the globe is opting for...
Can the iPhone become the next Nokia or BlackBerry in the coming years? This is indeed one of the most debatable topics in today's...
China and India have proven to establish economies with staggering foundations. Both countries are the pride of Asia in terms of population, culture, and...
For some time, a report from the "Financial Times" has been going viral, according to which the tech giant Sundar Pichai's Google is eyeing...