If mounting debt has become unmanageable and you truly need a solution, a consolidation loan could work out for you. However, not everything you may have heard about the financial strategy is true. Let’s examine some common misperceptions. What Is Loan...
A Budget is an estimation of one's income and expenditure within a time period. Simplifying the first question generally, asked, "What is the Union Budget?" It is the estimation of receipts and the expenditure of the Government of India...
As per a recent report by UK-based privacy and security research firm Top10VPN, internet Shutdowns in 2020 cost India $ 2.8 billion, almost 70% of the total loss of $4 billion to the world economy. The guidelines for how to...
The recent farmers' protests have cast a spotlight on a traditionally overlooked group of female farmers and their contribution.
Women in Indian Agriculture:
Role: women in Indian agribusiness play out various work concentrated positions, for example, weeding, picking, isolating seeds from...
How Lockdown Made an Impact on Consumption? The reduction in consumption during the lockdown can be justified because there was less movement of traffic, and the restrictions imposed made it difficult for people to travel, but after all these months,...
The need to plan the whole of a task or all of its activities, ordinary and extraordinary, common or exceptional, often depends on the degree of importance one places on his time's good management. However, the best time management tips...
A feeling of happiness that you will embrace for the rest of your life is the birth of your child. It is a special moment for which you spend months anticipating and preparing. Everything, starting from the perfect name...
The hospitality industry is one of the major industries in hotel management, comprising five major sub-sectors. Those are lodging service, food and beverage service, tourism, events and transportation. At the crux, the hospitality industry emphasises providing services and products...
Goatery is said to be one of the fastest-growing and trending industry in India among the Agro-allied industries. Owing to the rise in demand for goat meat, i.e. mutton among the Indian population, a population is divided between vegetarian...
Bitcoin's price skyrocketed in the space of three months. Today, a relative lull is observed. There are a few factors behind the remarkable rise in cryptocurrency. You cannot have missed the information if you are interested in cryptocurrencies. Since October,...