In this digital world, money matters a lot and so people have started using it through the internet also. In spite of the spread of e-transactions, there is still a big chunk of money transactions that are done via...
Want a bigger payscale? Of course, anyone can get this with some more brilliant tips and skills. There is nothing wrong with getting a good job where you can get a lot of money. According to 63% of workers,...
Everyone is familiar with the parliament house situated in the heart of India. This is basically the house where lower and higher houses, that is, Rajya Sabha and Lok Sabha, are situated. This is where the country's fate is...
Counterfeit refers to a fake item. This can be anything under the sun, from small things like a pen to even a vehicle. The business of counterfeiting is widely prevalent in India. It was one of the reasons why...
The advent of the internet and technologies has made it possible for businesses and companies to establish their online presence. When a business goes online, it becomes important for them to market its products or services efficiently. They need...
Almost after a struggle of 200 years, India got its independence on 15th August 1947 from British rule. Though we are independent of foreign rule still, some major social issues continue their pace in India. A social issue generally refers...
Cryptocurrencies have raised many concerns for the future of the existing currency system. There have been many governments that are opposing the use of bitcoin because of no accountability of the authorities that are issuing these bitcoins. There has...
The essence of Passive income goes strictly in conformity with the definition of the word "passive", submissively allowing others to influence your business without active response or resistance for generating income to some extent. That is to say, passive...
One could hardly imagine that the churches or the temples of today, which are primarily concerned with religious and spiritual rituals, were the economic trailblazers of a certain era, the promoters of faith were once the promoters of the...
According to facts, there are roughly 10 million weddings projected in India each year. While the Coronavirus outburst spoiled many plans of couples in urban areas, who hoped for their wedlock, on the other hand, an increase in the...