List of Colleges Affiliated to GGSIPU

There are nearly 73 colleges affiliated to Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University (IP University). This list includes the names all the colleges of Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University whether it is women's college, coed college or vocational college. These colleges follows the strict norms of UGC, All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) and the Govt. of Education and State Government. University of Delhi is considered to be the state University of Delhi and each year thousands of students take admission on the bases of their merits. The University offers bachelor courses, master courses, doctorate and other vocational courses. The university has affiliated various governmental colleges and private colleges.

Amity Law School

Yasho Bhavan, (Adjacent to Escorts Heart Institute), Okhla , New Delhi-110025
Phone: 2632- 5332 , 2632 5901
Fax: 2632 5903
Email: [email protected]