South Asia

Stay informed with the latest news and developments from South Asia, covering politics, culture, and more. Explore the dynamic changes in South Asia.

India is an incredible country where the entire world sees India as more than just a country, but as a country of cultural diversity....
India is considered a democratic country because its constitution gives its people the right to choose their leader. Democracy is the rule with the...
We have seen many forms of governance in history. The major forms of government we have seen are democracy, whether a direct democracy or...
English is one of the world's most popular and widely spoken languages. According to the statistics, English is the third most spoken language in...
The 10 Smart Sensors that will make your house or home completely automated and will enhance the security and take care of your pets...
How freebies are helping politicians and political parties in India to form the government, should be the topic to debate, research and study. Be...
In India, an appeal can be made to the Supreme Court or the High Court. The Supreme Court is the highest court and is...
Before diving into the topic, we must know what the animation field is all about and what will it be like in the coming...
Women constitute fifty per cent of the world's population and the same holds good for India. All these years the contribution of women both...
To understand how to make a career in any field, it is necessary to know what exactly is that field about? Is there any...