The Thar's desert sands overlie Archean (early Precambrian) gneiss (metamorphic rocks formed between 4 billion and 2.5 billion years ago), Proterozoic (later Precambrian) sedimentary rocks (formed about 2.5 billion to 541 million years ago), and more-recent alluvium (material deposited by rivers).
Which birds do you think of when the term ‘bird’ is spoken? Most of you might think of sparrows, crows, eagles, parrot, penguin, duck, hen and what not. But after reading this article, you might think of some weird but interesting birds...
Loco Pilot Pilot or a driver in easily understood terms; it is the driver of a locomotive train who is like an eye of...
The clove story has the beginning in ancient times. Chinese records dating back to more than 2000 years mention about the custom of chewing...
If we talk about sexual assault in India, Then this is disheartening for us to know that the number or sexual assault in India...
Learning a new language is an entirely new experience by itself. You have to learn a new alphabet (with some using characters rather than alphabets) and sentence structure. But after all the tiresome struggle, the end result leaves you with a feeling of pride and something to boast about. Here are some ways with which you can make the tiresome journey fun.
Japan is more than anime and manga. The country which sees most number of tourist due to anime effect has a diverse culture which you need to take a look at. After all there must be a reason why Japan is one of the top ten safe countries and great for solo female travellers. Not many countries can boast of it. Each and everything teaches you a lesson in Japan, which if you implement in your day to day life, you will see a change. . Here are few of these lessons.
YouTube is not just a ground for Entertainment, but also for education. Here is a list of channels which are simply out of this world when it comes to being educative, informative and productive.
Bollywood always gives us films based on a true incidents of historical importance or about some great events and personalities based on Indian History...
When you are entering college life after your high school, it means you are entering in a new world. It's also a first step...