We do not need slogans to prevent 'brain drain', rather we need a road map! With US President Donald Trump ordering India not to...
What is the Economic Importance of Lavender in General? Lavender is of highly acclaimed economic importance due to its therapeutic and beauty uses. It is widely used to make perfumes, talcs, essential body oils, night creams, lotions, soaps, and other cosmetic products. Lavender essential oils are used in aromatherapy in various herbal spas and hotel industries in the world.
Discover peace and healing through the ancient practice of yoga at the top 10 ashrams in India. Experience spiritual awakening while being guided by skilled teachers. Embrace the journey of self-discovery and rejuvenation. #YogaAshrams #India #SpiritualAwakening
Movies are entertaining and fun to watch. With family or alone. On the screen of your laptop or the television. Irrespective of why, where and when, a movie can break or make moods depending on how good (or bad) it is. Despite which there are inevitable mistakes common to almost every movie.
Space, stars, planets, constellations, etc. have always been astonishing from the day we started discovering outer space. We found neighbor planets, parent star (The...
Geography, polity, society, culture, and economy are the constituents that have inspired both countries to adopt a close bilateral relationship. Wiese is also the constituent, which has provided a platform for various nuisances and constraints between the two countries.
10 Most Popular and Best Anime to Watch While Stuck at Home are Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood, Attack on Titan, One-Punch Man, Hunter x Hunter, Death Note, Demon Slayer and...
With a harsh and extensive 21 day, lockdown and a series of lockdowns imposed by the government of India across the nation led to...
The whole world is now well acquainted with COVID 19, a virus that is responsible for the global pandemic. The virus outbreak, which initially...
Make in India is utterly important and viable for its development and bringing new employment through FDI. Ban of Chinese products and trade will force many MNCs and tech giant companies to set up their manufacturing hubs in India...